Monday, October 16, 2006


There was a cake that i was suppose to eat. All i know is that the creators of this cake burnt it and in the process of making making icing sugar, they added 1 cup milk instead of a tbsp, so to balance it out they added 2 BAGS OF ICING SUGAR. and after being warned of eating this dreaded item several times, i went ahead and chowed down, later to find myself rolling around on the floor in agony with an overfilled stomach of supersweet cake. for the whole day i was not on my A game, a lil after lunch i felt the effects of the cake and was wired. fortuantly i never had a crash, but i did feel like sleeping after chowing down that cake! Today is the day after, and im feeling good, no symptoms of death, we got this grad fundraiser coming up and there is gonna be alot of pies, will i survive that too?


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