Thursday, December 07, 2006

Macdonalds :(

ok so last friday we went to see the play in kammy, alice a wonder land. it was ok i enjoyed it. but after we went to macdonalds where myself and a freind decided to see how many burgers we could eat. lets see we both started out with 3 double big macs and a big mac meal with large fryies and a chocolate milkshake (big one) and a large pop. i was able to eat everything my freind could not eat all of his big mac but did manage to eat everything else. ya after we wernt feeling so good.


Blogger .:.Katie.:. said...

Ok. Honostly why would you even think about eating that mcuh? Not only did you get a really bad stomache ache but I had to listen to you! LoL not that I mind but oh god it was funny I gotta admit that. Now who's the C-R-A-Z-Y one!???!

7:38 PM  
Blogger Tonya said...

Now would that friend's name happen to start with T? And all i can say is it's a good thing the bus didn't hit any major bumps or you'd have been feeling reeeeeaally sick!

9:22 PM  

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